Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This weather is something!!!

Wow!!! This weather is really something!  We have begun Unit 4 week 1 in reading today.  We will try to stay on target depending on how the weather cooperates.  Please be aware that we may not have our reading and spelling tests on Friday because of the delays, snow days, etc... We will try to have our test within a 4 or 5 day school week whether it is all in the same week or not.  It looks like we may not be in school tomorrow therefore, we would have our reading and spelling tests next Monday or Tuesday. I hope that makes sense.

Also, please, please, please make sure your child is getting onto Reflex math at home to practice his/ her math fluency.  This is especially important with how the weather is affecting school because we don't have as many opportunities to practice in school. 

As always, thanks so much for all your continued support!  I'm going to be posting another question for students to respond to either tonight or tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day and be careful out there on the roads.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Can you clarify -- are we supposed to have Ryan work on Reflex math or First in Math or both?
